Paradise on Hulu: Therapy is in session as Xavier's confides in a possible ally

While the president's murder investigation yields few leads, Xavier searches for his own. And a revelation may mean danger closer to home.
(Disney/Ser Baffo)
(Disney/Ser Baffo)

In Paradise's third episode, "The Architect of Social Well-Being," Xavier Collins is in an unscheduled therapy session with Gabriela. As he gradually drops his defenses, a lack of leads in the murder investigation forges panic throughout the chain of command.

Unsatisfied with being removed from the investigation, Xavier pursues answers from an unlikely source. He arrives for an impromptu therapy session with Gabriela. Their candid walk — surrounded by the charade of the Earth they left behind — yields some interesting truths. Gabriela isn't only a therapist, but a major urban planner of the place they call home. From the archived sounds to replicate insects, to the artificial sun, she constructed the harmonious replica. She was even instrumental in Cal selecting Xavier as his lead bodyguard. Finally, over a plate of cheese fries, the two connect.

We learn 25,000 citizens were handpicked to live in the underground city; Xavier's wife among them, but she failed to make her flight, something he held Cal responsible. And speaking of planes, Xavier boasts about his family's groundbreaking feats as pilots leading to him discussing his relationship with his father. The two were extremely close until a decision concerning his father's health and career made them estranged. Soon after that, his father passed.

During Xavier's therapy session, the powers that be panic behind the scenes. With no leads in the investigation and the city's first murderer on the loose, Samantha finds herself appeasing to the new president and first lady's egos. She reassures them this is still a safe place.

Samantha transfers her frustrations onto Agent Robinson, whose conflict of interest on the case has her every decision under a microscope. Luckily, she finds a mild break. Summoning Billy and Jane, she questions them about the lost security footage. Records show Billy had been pausing the cameras for weeks. Instead of revealing the truth –– that the two agents are in an unauthorized relationship — they reveal they were indulging in childish activities while on the job.

The episode closes with Gabriela and Xavier becoming intimate, a first for the recent widower. In the midst of a kiss, Gabriela confesses she has a message from Cal: not to trust Billy Page.

Episode three is incredible, pushing the narrative forward while we learn more about our colorful characters. The acting continues to be superb with a surprising and strong appearance from Glynn Turman. The theme of nature vs. nurture arises from discussions of the literal world-building. How much of our lives are shaped by our decisions or nurtured by an invisible hand? And whichever one finds to be true, where does the real power lie?

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