1. Critical Incident
This series from Australia premiered this year and follows the lives of several individuals impacted by a police-involved incident. When Senior Constable Zilifcar Ahmed pursues a young teenage suspect, a bystander is critically injured by mistake. Soon, Ahmed's life derails due to public scrutiny and guilt. Originally airing on Stan, the series stars Akshay Khanna, Simone Kessell, Zoe Boe, Jai Waetford, Roxie Mohebbi, Jackson Heywood, and Erik Thomson.
2. Gangnam B-Side
Korean series, aptly nicknamed K-Drama, have become a staple in entertainment lately. This Korean-language thriller premiered in November and follows an outlaw on the run from Gangnam's detectives, prosecutors, and fellow criminals. The series stars BIBI, Jo Woo-jin, Jung Ga-ram, Ji Chang-wook, and Ha Yoon-kyung. The series is available on Hulu via Disney Plus.
3. Paris Has Fallen
Pulling from the ...Has Fallen film franchise, this series from France and the UK follows two unlikely allies as they investigate the roots of a terrorist attack. As they seek to prevent more harm, they uncover a conspiracy threatening the country. The English-language series premiered in September and stars Tewfik Jallab, Ritu Arya, Sean Harris, and Emmanuelle Bercot.
4. Impuros
Premiering in 2018, this Brazilian series is an action-packed thriller set in the 1990s. In Rio De Janeiro, where economic prowess is bleak, a young Evandro seeks to find fortune as a drug trafficker. As he battles his moral compass, a police officer makes it his mission to bring the burgeoning kingpin down. The cast includes Raphael Logam, Lorena Comparato, Sergio Malheiros, and Leandro Firmino. The series is available on Hulu via Disney Plus.
5. Line of Duty
The British import is a stalwart in the international crime genre. First premiering in 2012, the BBC Two series follows two officers assigned to the Central Police Office's Anti-Corruption Unit 12. The officers' sole purpose is to root out possible corruption within their ranks. With leads Martin Compston and Vicky McClure, the cast has boasted various actors throughout the years, including Kelly Macdonald, Lennie James, Stephen Graham, Thandiwe Newton, and Polly Walker.
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